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The organic foods products are limited


The is Garden Vegetable.

Color: Beige
$125.00 $140.00

Fresh Tomatoe is organic.

Color: Green
$115.00 $130.00
Sub Total: $240.00
Total: $240.00

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Dr.Ortho Degree Mattress

6999 7999

100% Orthopedic Mattress

Guaranteed Safe Checkout
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  • Description
  • Additional Info
  • 0-5 Degree: Recommended to Spinal injured person 
  • 6-10 degree: Recommended to cervical and spinal injured person.
  • 11-15 Degree: Recommended for overweight or neck related problems** or cervical spine injured person
  • 100% Orthopedic Mattress
  • 0-5 Degree: Recommended to Spinal injured person 
  • 6-10 degree: Recommended to cervical and spinal injured person.
  • 11-15 Degree: Recommended for overweight or neck related problems** or cervical spine injured person
  • 100% Orthopedic Mattress